

30% of the men are more than 25 years old and 80% of the men are less than or equal to 50 years old. 20% of all men play football. If 20% of the men above the age of 50 play football, what percentage of football players are less than or equal to 50 years?

A. 66.67%

B. 77.77%

C. 86.67%

D. 90%

Correct Option is C


In a locality, 80% of the men are less than or equal to 50 years old. 15% of all men play football. If 10% of the men above the age of 50 play football, what percentage of football players are less than or equal to 50 years

Let the total number of men = 100

Number of men less than  or equal to 50 years of age = 80

Number of men above 50 years of age =20

Number of men who play football = 15

Football players above 50 years = 20 * 10/100 = 2

Football players below 50 years = 15 - 2 =13

Football players which are less than or equal to 50 years =

        13/15 * 100 = 86.67%

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