

P, Q, and R together can complete a piece of work in 8 days. P alone can complete the work in 15 days, Q alone in 30 days. In how many days can R alone complete the work?

A. 20

B. 30

C. 40

D. 50

Correct Option is C


Let the total work  to be completed = 120 units (LCM of 8, 15 & 30)

In one day, thet together can do 120/8 = 15  units 

In 1 day, P alone  can complete 120/15 = 8 units

In 1 day, Q alone  can complete 120/30 = 4 units

In 1 day, r alone  can complete 15-(8+4) =3 units

To complete 120 units, they will take 120/3 = 40days

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Sujit (November 18, 2021 at 19:49) said:


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